贸巨企业股份有限公司创立于1984年,专业研发制造主要产品:气动攻牙机,油压攻牙机,电动攻牙机及专用机配件,以 TRADE MAX 品牌行销台湾及全世界30年,多角化经营之企业体,重视人才素质培养,创新思维,并致力于研发设计开发改良产品及开发新产品;高品质走向,并有多项独家专利,提供完整之系列产品、优良服务。
Maho are attending importance to brain gain, staff training in order to bring out the best quality, and innovation.
Maho are attending importance to brain gain, staff training in order to bring out the best quality, and innovation.
Maho are attending importance to brain gain, staff training in order to bring out the best quality, and innovation.